

We disseminate contents such as metaverse and VR of Tokyo.
You can explore various previously unknown attractions of Tokyo and experience a deeper knowledge of the city.


Visitors can experience Tokyo's cultural, industrial and other attractions in each area.

Open Call

We called for digital art pieces, such as illustrations and posters, that convey the charm of Edo and Tokyo to adorn the space.
Number of Submissions: 96 pieces
Number of Selected Works: 50 pieces.

About the works adopted for spatial decoration >


May 9, 2024 SusHi Tech Tokyo area has been renovated.
March 29, 2024 Some areas have been renovated and reopened.
January 12, 2023 Details of the project have been announced.
November 10, 2023 The results of the public call for space decoration and corporate exhibitors have been announced.


■About the app version

The "cluster" application can be used on smartphones, PCs, and VR goggles with the "cluster" application installed.
Installation of the "cluster" application on the device and creation of a free account are required.

First time users of cluster

1) Download the cluster app.

2) Create a cluster account
 Launch the cluster app and complete account creation.
 You can also use your AppleID, Google, X (formerly Twitter), or Facebook account.

3) Access from "Join Virtual Edo-Tokyo" below.

If you are using cluster...

Please access from "Join Virtual Edo-Tokyo" below with a smartphone or PC on which the application has been downloaded.

Due to the large amount of data handled, operation may become unstable depending on the device model you are using. Please understand this beforehand.
We recommend iPhone 11 or later for iOS and Google Pixel 4 or later for Android.
For details, click here

■About the browser version

You can enjoy Edo Area on your PC browser (no application required).


■Inquiries about this website
Policy Research Section, Policy Division, Office of the Governor for Policy Planning, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Email address: S0014801(at)

*The above email has been arranged as an anti-spam measure. Please replace (at) with @ when sending email.
*Please note that for information security measures, links in the text of the email or the content of attached data will not be checked. We appreciate your understanding and compliance with these measures.