About This Website

Accessibility Policy

This site aims at being classed as grade “AA” of the Japanese Industrial Standards JIS X 8341-3:2016 “Design guidelines in consideration of the elderly and persons with disabilities - Information and communications equipment, software and services - Part 3: Web content” to secure and improve accessibility.
  • ・Scope
    This policy applies to the range of pages of the website of Virtual Edo-Tokyo.
  • ・Target conformity criteria and compliance level indication table
    This website aims to conform with grade “AA” of JIS X 8341-3:2016.
    Note: The term “compliance” as used in the website accessibility policy refers to the “JIS X 8341-3:2016 Compliance Level Indication Guidelines for Web Content, March 2016 Edition” published by the Web Accessibility Infrastructure Committee of the Info-communication Access Council.
  • ・Target deadline
    Achievement deadline: March 31, 2024
  • ・Schedule
    Test results to be announced in March 2024.
  • ・Pages with tests conducted
    Based on the JIS X 8341-3:2010 test implementation guidelines, we used random and non-random methods in the subject scope and selected the following 11 pages (a set of web pages format).
  • ・Exceptions
    Services offered by Google (Google Tag Manager)
  • ・Achievement criteria checklist
    The application column of “?” means nothing applies for the content of the tested web page .
    (Note) Conform except part of pages/content
Detailed Clause Class Achievement criteria Application Compliance
1.1.1 A Non-text Content
1.2.1 A Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded)
1.2.2 A Captions (Prerecorded) ▲Note
1.2.3 A Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) ▲Note
1.2.4 AA Captions (Live) ▲Note
1.2.5 AA Audio Description (Prerecorded) ▲Note
1.3.1 A Info and Relationships
1.3.2 A Meaningful Sequence
1.3.3 A Sensory Characteristics
1.4.1 A Use of Color
1.4.2 A Audio Control
1.4.3 AA Contrast (Minimum)
1.4.4 AA Resize Text -
1.4.5 AA Images of Text
2.1.1 A Keyboard ▲Note
2.1.2 A No Keyboard Trap
2.2.1 A Timing Adjustable -
2.2.2 A Pause, Stop, Hide -
2.3.1 A Three Flashes or Below Threshold -
2.4.1 A Bypass Blocks
2.4.2 A Page Titled
2.4.3 A Focus Order
2.4.4 A Link Purpose (in context)
2.4.5 AA Multiple Ways
2.4.6 AA Headings and Labels
2.4.7 AA Focus Visible
3.1.1 A Language of Page
3.1.2 AA Language of Parts
3.2.1 A On Focus
3.2.2 A On Input
3.2.3 AA Consistent Navigation
3.2.4 AA Consistent Identification
3.3.1 A Input Error Identification -
(3.3.1   Error Identification    
3.3.2 A Labels or Instructions ▲Note
3.3.3 AA Error Suggestion -
(3.3.3   Input Error Correction Method Presentation    
3.3.4 AA Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data) -
4.1.1 A Parsing
4.1.2 A Name, Role, Value

Changes, etc. to the Content and This Page of the Website

The content of this website is subject to change, cancellation or discontinuation without notice. The content of this page may be revised at the discretion of Tokyo Metropolitan Government as appropriate.
In such cases, we will notify you of the change in the content by posting it on this website, etc. The content of such changes or revisions shall be applied to all users of this website and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government after the notification.

Multilingual Policy

This website has prepared pages in English to communicate information about Tokyo to non-Japanese speakers and to help them understand our initiative. Click on “EN” in the upper right corner of the page to display the English site.

Recommended Environment

  • The following browsers are recommended for a safer and more comfortable use of this website:

    (a) Microsoft Edge, latest version
    (b) Google Chrome, latest version
    (c) mac OS Safar, latest version
    (d) Mozilla Firefox, latest version
    (e) iOS and Android standard browser (smartphone)

Technology Used

  • ・Plug-ins
    To view and print PDF files on this site, Adobe Acrobat Reader (latest version) is required.
  • ・Cookie
    This website utilizes cookies for the purpose of achieving a more convenient viewing experience and obtaining information to continuously improve this website. A cookie is data sent to a user’s browser from the server that handles administration of this website. The cookie sent is saved in the user’s computer. However, any personally identifiable information such as the user’s name, address, telephone number, etc. are absolutely not included in this cookie.
    Additionally, these cookies have no direct negative effect on the user’s computer.
    This website may use cookies provided by a third-party contractor of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to monitor the access status of each page. It is possible for the user to decline cookies through the use of appropriate browser settings. Disabling cookies in this way will not hinder the use of this website in any major way.
    Refer to your browser’s help function or browser manufacturer for information on these browser settings.
  • ・SSL(TLS)
    In order to improve the security level of this website, TLS encrypted communication is used in some services. To use these services, your web browser must support TLS1.2. By using a web browser that supports these security functions, personal information such as names, addresses and telephone numbers, etc. entered by users is automatically encrypted before transmitting and receiving.
    In the unlikely event that the transmitted data is intercepted by a third party, there is no need to worry about the contents being stolen. Depending on the settings of your firewall, etc., some pages may not be available.
  • ・PDF
    An Adobe Acrobat Reader from Adobe Systems Co., Ltd. is required to view PDF files. Download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader if it is not installed on your system or the contents of this website may not be displayed properly.
  • ・YouTube
    Refer to the YouTube website for an explanation of its terms of use.

Access History (Access Log)

When a user accesses this website, the information is stored as an access log on the web server of this website via cookies. The access log confirmed via Google Analytics includes the domain name and IP address of the person who accesses it, the type of browser used, the date and time of access, etc., but it does not contain information that can identify individuals. This data will be used only for statistical and analytical purposes, such as maintenance/management and use status, etc. of the web server and this website, and will not be used for any other purpose. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is not responsible for the handling standards and content of personal information on other companies' websites linked from this website.


・All communication fees to connect and view this website in the use of it shall be borne by the user.
・The Tokyo Metropolitan Government shall not be liable for any trouble or damage caused by the use of this website (regardless of whether it is direct or indirect).
・This website is not provided or sponsored by Google Inc.
・In using social networking service (SNS), terms of use for each will be applied. Please use them at your own risk after checking the terms.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government shall not be liable in the event that the use of this site is not possible, or if information leakage or other damage occurs to the user or to a third party due to any maintenance or malfunction of services provided by Google, or due to any failure of the user's communication terminal or service provided by the telecommunications carrier.
・In the event of a dispute between the user and a third party in connection with the use of this site, the user shall resolve the dispute at their own responsibility and expense, and shall not cause any damage to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.


Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information posted on this website, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government is not responsible for any actions taken by users using the information on this website. We are not responsible for any damage to the user caused by the use of this site by the user or damage caused by the user to a third party.


・Any act that causes or may cause damage to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government or a third party
・Any act that infringes or may infringe the rights or interests of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government or a third party
・Any act that violates or may violate public order or morality
・Any act that hinders or creates obstructions to the operation of this website
・Any act that puts excess load to the network or systems, etc. of this website
・Any act that may interfere with the operations of this website
・Any act that makes unauthorized access to the network or systems of this website or attempts to so do
・Any act that promotes, advertises, solicits or does business activities using this website
・Any act that collects information about other users of this website
・Any act that uses or provides harmful programs such as computer viruses
・Any act that violates or may violate laws/regulations, or ordinances
・Any other act deemed inappropriate by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights including copyrights, trademarks, and design rights, relating to content such as all photos, logos, images, videos, text, and music, etc. on this website are the property of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. However, if the information on this website contains intellectual property belonging to owners other than the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the intellectual property rights shall remain with their respective owners. The use of the content on this website, including duplication, diversion, reprinting, electromagnetic processing, transmission, distribution, transfer, lending, secondary use, and all other similar acts, is strictly prohibited, except as permitted by the operator of this website.


In principle, you are free to link to this site, for either profit or not-for-profit purposes.
However, please refrain from setting up links to sites that fall under or may fall under any of the following conditions.
・When the linked website contains content that is intended to defame or bring into disrepute the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, other companies (persons) or organizations.
・When there is any act that infringes or potentially infringes on the intellectual property rights (e.g. copyrights and trademarks), proprietary rights, privacy rights, publicity rights or other rights of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, other companies (persons) or organizations.
・When there is potential confusion for third parties because this website is shown in a frame of the linked website, thereby making it less clear that the shown page is the content of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
・When there is any act that is in violation of laws, ordinances or regulations, or offensive to public order or morality, or there is a likelihood that the operations of this website will be interfered with, in addition to items above.
・When the linked website makes a link to this website using, without permission, the logos or marks possessed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
・When the linked website make a link to this website in a manner that induces a false belief as to the source of information.
Please note that the URL of this website is subject to change without prior notice. Please also note that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government shall not take responsibility for any compensation claims, complaints, etc. related to links.

Information System Security

・This website will protect its information assets from threats, for the purpose of continuing the project preserving the trust of its users and fulfilling its social mission as an administrative organ.
・In order to maintain the safety and accuracy of this website’s information assets, appropriate safety measures will be taken to prevent unauthorized data access, and the destruction, falsification, loss, or leakage of data.
・The information assets on this website are handled in accordance with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s basic policy on information security, laws/regulations, and other standards.
・Should the processing of information assets be outsourced to an external party, this processing work will take place under the appropriate supervision of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
Mechanisms will be established for continued improvements for the maintenance and enhancement of information security.

Governing Law and Court of Jurisdiction

All use of this website and the interpretation and application of the terms of use of this website shall adhere to the laws of Japan unless otherwise specified. All disputes arising in connection with the use of this website shall be subject in the first instance to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court.

Privacy Policy

  • ・Handling of personal information
    This website collects its users’ information to the extent necessary for the smooth operation of the services provided (provision of information through the website, receiving of various opinions, etc.). The collection, use, and management of personal information will be handled appropriately as follows in accordance with the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Law No.57 of 2003)”, (hereinafter referred to as “Law”), and we will strive to make it a website for users to use with a sense of security.
  • ・Definition
    “Personal information” refers to addresses, names, telephone numbers, email addresses, and other personally identifiable information provided via use of this website to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
  • ・Scope
    This policy applies only to this website and does not apply to other websites linked to this website. The handling of information at linked sites is the responsibility of each organization.
  • ・Collection of personal information
    As a general rule, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government collects via this website personal information voluntarily provided (registered) by users.
    The purpose of collecting personal information will be explicitly stated.
    The Tokyo Metropolitan Government limits the collection of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes explicitly stated to users.
  • ・Restrictions on the use of personal information
    Personal information provided (registered) by users will be used only for the purposes explicitly stated in advance. The relevant implementing bodies* will never use this personal information outside the purposes of the collection within its organization, nor will this personal information be provided to any parties other than the implementing bodies, unless otherwise specified by the Law.
    However, statistical data on user attributes, etc., obtained through the operation of this website, may be publicly published, as long as this data does not contain personal information.
    * “Implementing bodies” refers to those that handle the relevant personal information, namely the Governor of Tokyo, administrative commissions, the directors of public enterprises, Fire Chief, and the directors of administrative bodies stipulated by Tokyo Metropolitan Government regulations.
  • ・Management of personal information
    The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (implementing bodies) will strictly manage all collected personal information and take proper measures to prevent any leakage, misappropriation, falsification, etc. The management of this website may be outsourced to an external party. This contractor will also take proper measures in an identical manner to that described above.
  • ・Non-personally identifiable information of users
    This website automatically collects information on Internet domain names, IP addresses, and the user environment in which the website is viewed (henceforth “user information”). This website limits the collection of user information to the extent necessary to improve the usability of this website, and this information will only be used for that purpose. However, statistically processed access data and user viewing environment data for this website may be publicly published.
  • ・Use of Cookies
    This website utilizes cookies for the purpose of achieving a more convenient viewing experience and obtaining information to continuously improve this website.
    A cookie is data sent to a user’s browser from the server that handles administration of this website. The cookie sent is saved in the user’s device (computer or mobile device, etc.).
    However, any personally identifiable information such as the user’s name, address, telephone number, etc. are absolutely not included in this cookie.
    Additionally, these cookies have no direct negative effect on the user’s computer.
    This website uses cookies provided by a third-party contractor to monitor the access status of each page.
    It is possible for the user to decline cookies through the use of appropriate browser settings.
    Disabling cookies in this way will not hinder the use of this website in any major way. Refer to your browser’s help function or browser manufacturer for information on these browser settings.

    This website has obtained cookies with the following tools.
    - Google Analytics: A tool to analyze the use status of this website
    - OneTrust: Cookie setting management service
  • ・Use of Google Analytics
    Provided by: Google Inc.
    Information collected: Use status of this website by users (access status, traffic, routing, etc.)
    Purpose of use: To improve the usability and improvement of the website.
    To distribute notifications (advertisements) to the viewers who have visited the website in the past.
    Google Inc. will also collect and use the use status of this website.
    For details, please refer to the following website.
  • ・Google Analytics terms of service (external link)
  • ・Use of information by Google that has been collected through websites or apps using services provided by Google (external link)
  • For the privacy policy of Google Inc., please refer to the following website.
    ・Google privacy policy (external link)
  • Information on Google Analytics is also available from the following website.
    ・Details information on Google Analytics (external link)
  • ・ Google Custom Search
    This website conducts measurements using Google Custom Search provided by Google Inc. aiming to improve the usability and content of the website.
    The use of Google Custom Search is based on the terms of service of Google Custom Search.
  • ・Google Custom Search terms of service (external link)
  • ・Social Networking Service (SNS)
    In some SNS, if you view a website with a SNS button, your user ID, the website you have accessed, and other information may be automatically sent to SNS from the website without clicking on the button.
    For details, please refer to the following link.
  • ・Personal Information Protection Commission (external link)
  • ・YouTube video embedding
    If you view a website with YouTube video contents embedded, the website’s browser automatically sends the URL of the page you have accessed, your IP address, etc. to Google.
    For details, please refer to the following link.
  • ・Use of information by Google that has been collected through websites or apps using services provided by Google (external link)
    * “Implementing bodies” refers to those that handle the relevant personal information, namely the Governor of Tokyo, administrative commissions, the directors of public enterprises, Fire Chief, and the directors of administrative bodies stipulated by Tokyo Metropolitan Government regulations.

Inquiries about this website

Policy Research Section, Policy Division, Office of the Governor for Policy Planning, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Email address: S0014801(at)section.metro.tokyo.jp
* Please note that for information security measures, links in the text of the email or the content of attached data will not be checked. We appreciate your understanding and compliance with these measures.